Draw and Write

-Have available as often as possible supplies, such as markers, crayons, paper, cardboard, glue and scissors.

-Cut up paper bags to use, removing the bottom section.  Use tape to keep it flat on your work surface.  

-Create a “book” by folding a few pieces of paper in half and stapling the fold.

-Have child draw pictures and dictate a story for you to write in their book!

-Write at an angle, perhaps on an easel.  This helps the child develop the muscles in their hands that they’ll need for writing.  

-Have a letter of the week!  Identify, hunt for, draw and use to gain familiarity with the alphabet.

-Have a “mailbox” and have the child write letters to family members.

-Label furniture and other items in your home.

-Have child practice writing their name on their work.

-If space allows, play with paint and finger paint.  Powdered tempera paint is a good value, you use only what’s needed.  All you need are red, yellow and blue, mix these colors and see what other colors you can make!  Use empty plastic containers to mix the paint.  Old t-shirts make good smocks, paint may stain so use with care.

-Collect rocks and paint them.

-You can also use shaving cream on a tray to practice making letters and shapes with their fingers.

-Use child size scissors to have the child cut out items in catalogues, then a glue stick to make a collage.